
Showing posts from June, 2015

How to search people online using Phone Number or Email.

You can search people online using Phone Number, Address, E-mail: Now I'm putting some links where you can search about peoples.Attackers can use phone numbers to look up your physical address via sites like , , and . http://www. They may also use your phone number to help them target their war-dialing ranges, or to launch social-engineering attacks to gain additional information and/or access. Contact names and e-mail addresses are particularly useful datum. Most organizations use some derivative of the employee’s name for their username and e-mail address (for example, John Smith’s username is jsmith, johnsmith, john.smith, john_smith, or smithj, and his e-mail address is or something similar). If we know one of these items, we can probably figure out the others. Other personal details can be readily found on the Inte

Become a Ethical Hacker Step by Step Learning....

What is Footprinting? Footprinting  is the technique of gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belong to. This is done by employing various computer security techniques, as:-- DNS queries. Network enumeration. Why Is Footprinting Necessary? Footprinting is necessary for one basic reason: it gives you a picture of what the hacker  sees. And if you know what the hacker sees, you know what potential security exposures  you have in your environment. And when you know what exposures you have, you  know how to prevent exploitation. Hackers are very good at one thing: getting inside your head, and you don’t even know it. They are systematic and methodical in gathering all pieces of information related to the technologies used in your environment. Without a sound methodology for performing this type of reconnaissance yourself, you are likely to miss key pieces of information related to a specific technology or organization—but trust me, the h

What is Blind SQL Injection?

Blind SQL Injection This is a hacking method that allows an unauthorized attacker to access a database server. It is facilitated by a common coding blunder: the program accepts data from a client and executes SQL queries without first validating the client’s input. The attacker is then free to extract, modify, add, or delete content from the database. In some circumstances, he may even penetrate past the database server and into the underlying operating system. Hackers typically test for SQL injection vulnerabilities by sending the application input that would cause the server to generate an invalid SQL query. If the server then returns an error message to the client, the attacker will attempt to reverse-engineer portions of the original SQL query using information gained from these error messages. The typical administrative safeguard is simply to prohibit the display of database server error messages. Regrettably, that’s not sufficient. If your application does not return erro

E-mail Hacking & Securing .....

How to Hack E-mail password.. 1-  There is no specified attack available just to hack the password       of Email accounts. Also, it is not so easy to compromise the       Email server like Yahoo, Gmail, etc. 2-   Email Password Hacking can be accomplished via some of the       Client Side Attacks. We try to compromise the user and get the       password of the Email account before it reaches the desired       Email server. 3-  We will cover many attacks by the workshop flows, but at this       time we will talk about the very famous 'Phishing attack'. What is Phishing? The act of sending an Email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft.  The Email directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that

Google chrome Offline installer download

Google chrome offline installer Download Here . Windows Run commands List.....  To Access… Run Command Accessibility Controls access.cpl Accessibility Wizard accwiz Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl Administrative Tools control admintools Adobe Acrobat (if installed) acrobat Adobe Designer (if installed) formdesigner Adobe Distiller (if installed) acrodist Adobe ImageReady (if installed) imageready Adobe Photoshop (if installed) photoshop Automatic Updates wuaucpl.cpl Bluetooth Transfer Wizard fsquirt Calculator calc Certificate Manager certmgr.msc Character Map charmap Check Disk Utility chkdsk Clipboard Viewer cl