E-mail Hacking & Securing .....

How to Hack E-mail password..

1-  There is no specified attack available just to hack the password
      of Email accounts. Also, it is not so easy to compromise the
      Email server like Yahoo, Gmail, etc.
2-   Email Password Hacking can be accomplished via some of the
      Client Side Attacks. We try to compromise the user and get the
      password of the Email account before it reaches the desired
      Email server.
3-  We will cover many attacks by the workshop flows, but at this
      time we will talk about the very famous 'Phishing attack'.

What is Phishing?

The act of sending an Email to a user falsely claiming to be an
established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user
into surrendering private information that will be used for
identity theft. 
The Email directs the user to visit a Web site where they are
asked to update personal information, such as passwords and
credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the
legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is
Bogus and set up only to steal the User’s information.

Phishing Scams could be:

1- Emails inviting you to Join a Social Group, asking you to Login
     using your Username and Password.
2- Email saying that Your Bank Account is Locked and Sign in to
    Your Account to Unlock IT.
3- Emails containing some Information of your Interest and asking
     you to Login to Your Account.
4- Any Email carrying a Link to Click and Asking you to Login.

Prevention against Phishing:

1- Read all the Email Carefully and Check if the Sender is Original.
2- Always check the URL in the Browser before Signing IN to your
3- Always Login to Your Accounts after opening the Trusted
    Websites, not by Clicking in any other Website or Email.

How to track E-mail:

Tracing an Email means locating the Original Sender and
Getting to know the IP address of the network from which the
Email was actually generated.To get the information about the sender of the Email we first
must know the structure of the Email.As we all know the travelling of the Email. Each message has
exactly one header, which is structured into fields. Each field has
a name and a value. Header of the Email contains all the
valuable information about the path and the original sender of
the Email.

Locating the Sender:

You can easily get the IP Address of the sender from the header
and then can locate the sender.Once you have the IP Address of the sender, go to the URL
www.ip2location.com and Find the location of the IP Address.
1- Enter the IP address separated by a single space in the search box.
2- Press the find Location Button.

How can Secure E-mail accounts:

1- Always configure a Secondary Email Address for the recovery
2-  Properly configure the Security Question and Answer in the
     Email Account.
3-  Do Not Open Emails from strangers.
4-  Do Not Use any other’s computer to check your Email.
5- Take Care of the Phishing Links.
6-  Do not reveal your Passwords to your Friends or Mates.


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